Show Me Honor Flight 13 Returns Home from Washington D.C. [PHOTOS]
Show Me Honor Flight veterans were welcomed home last night (Oct. 29), and what a welcoming they received! As they exited of I-70 from their all day event, they were greeted by 25 roaring motorcycles waiting for them at Marshall Junction to escort them home. As they came into Sedalia and over the railroad tracks downtown, a large group of citizens were there to greet them, as well as the Sedalia Fire Department. The fire department sprayed two archways of water over the bus as it passed through, and on the other side were people waving and cheering them home. They traveled down Ohio to 3rd and then turned right off of 3rd to Osage, coming to a stop at City Hall to one of the largest groups that have welcomed the Honor Flights home.
REA Electric had two of their bucket trucks one fully extended with a very large American Flag displayed from the top of it and lit up by both trucks. The cheers and applause was heartwarming, and the words most heard were, "Welcome Home".
The Veterans left Sedalia on Oct. 29 around 3 a.m. and returned home around 11:30 p.m., making for a long and quite adventurous trip. The veterans were treated to seeing the World War II Memorial, the Korean Memorial, the Vietnam Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. Then they were whisked back to Baltimore Airport to head home.
I asked Pam Burlingame, one of the original founders and organizer of the event, how many veterans have they taken on these trips. Pam said, "Close to 500." I also asked Pam if they plan on doing three trips next year, since this was the first time they have done that. She said, "We will just have to see next year. It was so worth it."
Pam added, "Everybody in Sedalia needs to come down and welcome our troops home." I have to agree with Pam. I know they arrive home late, but with what these men have done for our country, it is the least we can do for them.