Sedalia to Hold Downtown New Year’s Day Parade
It's not over yet, Mother Nature! When the annual Sedalia Christmas parade was cancelled due to inclement weather not once, not twice, but THREE times earlier this month, many thought for sure that the elements had won, and sadly, there would be no parade this year. Well, turns out that's not the case!
Sedalia's first Downtown Sedalia New Year's Parade will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 1 at 3:00 p.m., with lineup starting at 2:00 p.m. There is no entrance fee to be in the parade, and the lineup order will be first come first served. Staging will take place at Sixth Street and Ohio, then travel down Ohio to Main Street then turn on to Osage before disbanding.
A parade had been in the works for the Saturday after Christmas, spearheaded by several Sedalia residents including Dukes & Boots owner Dale Malone and insurance agent Matt Mergen. However when they heard of the New Year's parade that was planned they decided to cancel their plans and instead shift their support to that parade.
The temperature should be in the high 30s, and hopefully the fourth time's the charm for a Sedalia parade