Sedalia Parks And Rec Offers Sensory Friendly Play Times
I know when we think of summertime, a lot of us think of the simple joys of playing at the park when we were kids. For a lot of kids out there, though, playtime isn't easy.For some kids, it can be hard to play in environments with bright lights, loud noises, or strong smells. Especially for kids who have conditions like Autism, ADHD, Sleep Disorders, Developmental Delays, or Brain Injuries.
So what happens is that if there's just too much going on in, say, a park or a playground, it can cause these kids to get confused, or act out, or even sometimes hurt themselves (even if they don't mean to). And I get that parents would easily get frustrated - of course your kid wants to go play, and you want to give them that...but you also don't want them to get overwhelmed or injured. That doesn't seem fair. They're still a kid, they need to play and have fun. So what do you do? Just keep them at home or go out to the park and hope for the best? Well, not anymore.
Parents with kids that are anywhere on the range of either hyper or hypo sensitivity now have a place they can go that will be fun and safe to play in. It's a new program from the Sedalia Parks and Rec! They put out the news on their Facebook site:
Join us starting May 30th for our sensory friendly play time! This time will provide children and families with varying abilities the opportunity to enjoy play time in a sensory friendly and safe environment! This play time will be hosted 11:30am - 1:30pm on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. It will also take place the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at the Heckart Community Center.
Finally, the kids have a fun place to play, the parents don't have to worry, and they can just let go like they're supposed to. Kids have to be carefree and play, and now they can do that even if they have special needs. Now this is included with a Day Pass, or a Community Center membership, but if you have questions you can always call 660-826-4930. BUT, this isn't a kid drop off. An adult has to stay present the entire time. But I'm sure that won't be a problem.
Make sure you spread the word to some families who might enjoy this playtime!
Playfully yours,