The Sedalia City Council recently approved a recommendation from the Citizens’ Traffic Advisory Commission to remove stop signs at the intersections of E. 4th Street and S. Montgomery and E. 6th Street and S. Montgomery.

The approval was given on October 15, and a press release from the City of Sedalia indicates that to assist in transitioning the two locations to unmarked intersections, the Street Department will post signs on Oct. 23 to inform people passing through those intersections of the upcoming removal of the stop signs.

The stop signs will be removed on the morning of November 6.

In August, the Traffic Advisory Commission began a review of various intersections and will continue that process over the next several months as additional traffic count data is collected and made available for other locations within Sedalia.

In making their decision for removal of the signs, the Traffic Advisory Commission and City staff considered guidance provided by the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s Traffic Control Devices Handbook that reportedly provides guidance for the implementation of stop signs based on expected compliance with right of-way rules, provision of through traffic flow, context (proximity to other controlled intersections), speed, sight distance, and crash history.

For questions and other information, call the Public Works Department at 827-3000 ext. 1166.


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