Monday night's City Council meeting began with recognition of Capt. Daniel Shaw for 15 years of service to the Sedalia Fire Department as a training coordinator.

Council honored Sandy Goff as she retires with 27 years and five months of service to the Sedalia Police Department.

Council accepted minutes dated July 14, from the Citizen's Traffic Advisory Committee.

City Administrator Kelvin Shaw then presented a $2.8 million financial update to Council members.

Council then approved a budget amendment for the Sedalia Fire Department authorizing an increase in expenditures, allowing for the purchase of bunker gear, bedding and reserve equipment for the SFD at a cost of $171,370.

Under Public Works, Council agreed to re-position the stop signs at 5th and Montgomery, as requested by an anonymous resident and recommended by the Citizen's Traffic Commission. The new way will give the right of way to east-west traffic.

Under Community Development, Council approved an ordinance amending Chapter 26 of the City Code relating to nuisance property. The new section makes it unlawful for a property owner to allow their property to be used for illegal activity., and requires the property owner to cooperate with police to bate the criminal acivity once notified. The code also provides a way for landlords to go through the eviction process for the criminal activity that is identified.

Council also approved an ordinance authorizing architectural services by Powell CWM, Inc., ReEnvision, LLC, and Robert Rollings Architects relating to the 353 Redevelopment Corporation revitalization plan.

Architects will be able to design new construction, rehab and salvage of existing structures, neighborhood landscapes, street and sidewalk improvements for specific areas. The four architectural firms will serve on an on-call basis for the next five years, it was noted.

Contracts with three of the firms were negotiated and the fourth one is still in talks.

As specific areas are identified, a scope of the work requested will be added to the contract with the firm best suited for each individual project.

Two new and four renewals of City liquor licenses were approved by Council, including:

New -- Kristy Long dba Wildlife Ridge Winery, 34751 Miller Road, Smithton, Special Event $15. (for the Picadilly event at The Foundry 324 for Sept. 23)

New – Nicole Walker dba Discount Smokes & Liquor, 2205 South Limit, Suite D, for Packaged Liquor & Sunday Sales, $450
Renewal – Heather Viles dba Dollar General #1316, 2500 W. Broadway, Packaged Liquor, $150

Renewal – Heather Viles dba Dollar General #2379, 619 N. Ohio, Packaged Liquor, $150

Renewal – Heather Viles dba Dollar General #2787, 2003 S. Limit, Packaged Liquor, $150

Renewal – Heather Viles dba Dollar General #3494, 713 E. Broadway, Packaged Liquor, $150

Renewal – Jodi Klimiuk dba Buffalo Wild Wings, 4401 Wisconsin, Liquor By The Drink & Sunday Sales, $750

A 90-minute work session involving a proposed lodging ordinance was held at 5 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The next work session is scheduled for Aug. 30.

Council then adjourned to a closed door meeting relating to real estate, legal advice and personnel.

Council then returned to open meeting to consider a real estate transaction.

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