Quisenberry Pumpkin Sale Preserves Sedalia History [INTERVIEW]
For those of you who've lived in Sedalia for a while, the Quisenberry one-room schoolhouse is one of those staples of life gone by. It's a living, standing tribute to how far Sedalia and the school district has come in such a short span of time. We all may have our opinions about the school system, but we can all agree that what we have now is leaps and bounds of improvement from what the Quisenberry kids used.
Yes, it's no longer in use, but it's a firm reminder of our past, legacy and our collective history. So every year, a big fundraiser is put on to raise the money for the yearly upkeep of this legendary gem. In fact, I got to talk with Susan Mergen about the fundraiser Pumpkin Sale, and all the details.
The Pumpkin Sale to benefit the Quisenberry School House will be held at the schoolhouse, 1770 Quisenberry Road. It’ll be held on Saturday, Oct.19 beginning at 9:00 a.m. They’ll have pumpkins, gourds, and mums along with hot dogs, popcorn and apple cider. Stop by and get fall started right!
Pumpkinly yours,