People To Think About This Thanksgiving Holiday
Well Thanksgiving is this Thursday. It is a day where we usually get together with family and friends and celebrate the things were are thankful for. A large dinner is usually prepared, and football is watched. Perhaps lively discussions are had. And yes, some alcohol is probably consumed.
Well this Thanksgiving, I will be away from my family. Luckily for me, some co-workers have invited me to their home for a meal and to hang out. It got me to thinking, about those who we often do not think about during the holiday weekend. And we should.
To begin, lets be thankful for plumbers. For them, the day following Thanksgiving is known as Brown Friday. It is often one of their busiest days. There is an increase in sewage and grease as well as stress on our pipes in the house, from the bathroom, kitchen and laundry room. My late uncle was a union plumber and he was really good at his job. Often a thankless one, but he did it well. Be thankful for people like him.
Be grateful for retail workers. I worked retail many years of my life. It can be tough, especially on holiday weekends. And there are not as many of them now because of the pandemic, and candidly, low wages. But for those who are working to make sure we can find that Christmas gift for that hard to buy for person, or just cash us out with a smile, be thankful for them.
It also might be a good idea to think about those who are struggling. Perhaps money is tight, or they have no family, or have just been having a really rough time. If you can help those in need this holiday, perhaps that might mean more to you than spending money on a item that you really don't need. Perhaps donate your time to help a charity for a few hours. You would be surprised how good it might make you feel.
So try and think of others this holiday. And be grateful for what you have. Please have a safe Thanksgiving, however you spend it.