NFPB Pro Rodeo – My First One = Fun!
Over the weekend, the NFPB Pro Rodeo was in town, and we had the bull riding event the previous weekend. This has proven to be a popular event in Sedalia, and I had never been to one. One of the perks of being a sponsor for the event (our station) is that we get free tickets to the show. I was looking forward to checking it out.
In speaking to Clint Jackson of Federations Productions, he had shared with me some of the events that would be happening that night. You can check out the gallery at the end of the article for some pictures I took at the event.
I had my ticket and waiting in line at the Mathewson Expo Center and arrived close to 6pm. The lines were already forming before hand, and there are no assigned seating, so I assumed many of the people who were coming with family wanted to get up close.
There were vendors inside and one was selling flags/banners of Old Glory, and the Confederate flag. I could have done without that one. There are stereotypes that many people have about people who are fans of rodeos and bull riding events and this didn't help. I went in with an open mind, and wanted to experience the appeal. I grew up in the suburbs, and the rodeo was just not an event that came to my area.
So before the event began, many had their young kids lined up for horse and pony riding before the show. LOTS of kids. Looked like the kids were having a ball. It was then time to start the show, and riders came out on horseback with flags of the sponsors of this rodeo. Guess whose flag came out first? (Yes, it was ours). Then the National Anthem was played and our veterans were recognized. Time to start the show.
The events were lined up in this order:
Team Roping
Rodeo Clowns bit
Steer Wrestling
Mutton Busting
Barrel Racing
Calf Roping
Breakaway Roping
Bull Riding
If I recall correctly, in each event, it is either timed, or judged on points and the top 4 in each event can earn compensation. What I found out, was that there is an awful lot of skill involved in each event. A little bravery too. These are trained riders, horses, cattle, etc. It was wonderful and impressive to watch. The crowd was into it, the music played during and between the events was appropriate. Each one of the competitors I could tell took a lot of pride in what they were doing. Male and Female. Some were as young as 14.
I appreciated the safety that was in place for the riders. Some wore helmets for the bull riding, and the riders who were there to make sure the cattle and horses didn't injure the competitors. This is a lifestyle that was not for me, but I had a great time, and was never bored. I saw riders do things I could never learn to do. I left there understanding the appeal and why this is a popular event for so many. I look forward to seeing them when they return. I took lots of photos which you can see in the gallery below.