Never Helpless: Practical Things To Speed Up Immune Recovery
I don't know about ya'll, but I feel like I've had a little cold off and on for a bit now. It does well, and seems to clear up, but then it comes back.
So, having had enough, gentle reader, I did some research. If it might help me, it could help you!
Check out five surprising things that can strengthen your immune system:
1. Placebos
Taking a placebo can improve your symptoms, even if you know it's not real medicine. In a study conducted in 2010, researchers administered sugar pills to participants and informed them they were not actual medication. Surprisingly, the sugar pills still helped alleviate their symptoms.
2. Looking at Pictures of Sick People
A 2010 study found that your immune system may become stronger when you look at photos of other people coughing or sneezing.
3. Petting a Dog
Petting a dog has been shown to boost your immune system, according to a study from 2004. Interestingly, you don’t even need a real dog; even petting a stuffed animal can have the same positive effect.

4. Keeping a Journal
: Writing in a journal helps you express your feelings, which can reduce stress. Keeping emotions bottled up can lead to increased stress, which weakens your immune system.
5. Having an Empathetic Doctor
A recent study found that people with empathetic doctors tend to have stronger immune systems, and their colds may be shortened by an entire day. Of course I probably don't have that, ha! I mean, my Doctor is fine, but the last time I asked him to help me with something he seemed to think I should just "stop doing that", so... maybe I need a new one.
These unusual factors can contribute to a healthier immune response!
Recoveringly yours,
KEEP READING: See 25 natural ways to boost your immune system
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