Tuesday night's City Council meeting led off with a financial presentation by Sedalia City Administrator Kelvin Shaw concerning tax revenue collections.

This was followed by approval of an ordinance to amend a contract with the Tipton Correctional Center concerning a work-release program.

The City contracts with the Missouri Department of Corrections for seasonal labor. The labor is used for such chores as mowing and weed eating at Crown Hill Cemetery. But due to the coronavirus pandemic, that labor has not been available for the past two years. In the event that it becomes available again this summer, staff recommended approval of the amendment to extend the term of the contract for another year.

Under Public Safety, Council approved a resolution to purchase two dual-band radios for the SPD. The radios provide shift supervisors with essential communications with other public safety agencies to coordinate activities during joint operations. The total cost of the two radios is $11,780.18 and is covered by a grant from the US Department of Justice.

Staff is working on a grant application for a Community Development Block Grant to fund additional sidewalk rehabilitation projects in Sedalia. One of the requirements of the grant is to have in place a resolution establishing policy concerning excessive use of force.

Excessive vehicle repairs within the Sedalia Fire Department has caused the City to exhaust its budget for fire apparatuses. Staff recommended approval of a budget amendment to increase appropriations for repairs and maintenance by $24,000.

Under Public Works, there were eight items up for consideration Tuesday night.

*A $500,000 CDBG grant to fund additional sidewalk rehabilitation projects is being sought by the City. If awarded, the grant would require matching funds from the City of Sedalia. The project was scored the highest priority by Council on Jan. 8 for capital improvements.

The City has already committed $500,00 for sidewalks, curbing and guttering, So if the grant request is successful, that would mean a total of $1 million being spent on that type of infrastructure in the coming year.

*Council approved the submission of an evaluation report to DNR concerning the City's sewer operations. DNR permits requires a review of each of the City's pre-treatment industries.

*The Citizen's Traffic Advisory Commission voted unanimously to reduce the speed limit on Tiger Pride Boulevard at Smith-Cotton High School, (2010 Tiger Pride), from 25 to 15 miles per hour, in an effort to increase traffic safety. Staff has been working with the Sedalia 200 School District to improve safety around all schools. Council agreed.

*The CTAC also recommended that the City establish a no-parking zone on the south side of West Fifth, from Warren to Limit during school hours. Council agreed.

*The CTAC also recommended reducing the speed limit on North Engineer from Reine Avenue to the intersection with the railroad from 30 to 25 miles per hour. Council agreed.

*The City has been working with an engineering firm to develop a master plan for the Water and Wastewater Departments. Staff recommended using Bentley as the preferred software provider at a cost of $34,946 for the water and sewer packages.

*Councilman Steve Bloess recommended to Council that the City harvest some of the timber at Springfork Lake to improve the landscape and sustainability of the trees. Staff recommended establishing a budgetary amount of $50,000 to hire a forestry management consultant to achieve that goal.

Under Community Development, there were two items for consideration.

*OATS has expressed interest in expanding their operations into space not being currently used at the Amtrak train depot, located at Pacific and North Osage. Staff negotiated a price of $600 per month to lease space to OATS. OATS will assume the cost of utilities.

*Part of the requirement of the CDBG sidewalk grant (mentioned earlier) is to establish fair housing practices through resolution. The City reportedly established a fair housing ordinance in 1980, and the resolution “expresses the City's commitment to adhere to such practices.”

Two people were appointed to the Sedalia Housing Authority Board of Directors Tuesday night.

Christian Dobrowski, 420 S. Grand, replaces Turf Martin. David Esser, 116 E. Main #B,  replaces Joshua Howell, whose term ends June of 2024.

City  Administrator Shaw noted that Howell was replaced, because "an employee of the City cannot serve on the Sedalia Housing Authority Board."

Martin had already left the board and his replacement had not yet been named prior to Tuesday night. "We were tardy in replacing Martin," Shaw said.

One liquor license was renewed. Lovell Curry dba The Den, 115 W. Main, liquor by the drink and Sunday sales, $750.

First Ward Councilman Jeff Leeman and Fourth Ward Councilwoman Rhiannon Foster attended Tuesday night's meeting online.

Council adjourned for a closed door session.

Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby

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