Gobble Up Hunger Fundraiser Coming To Sedalia In November
One in eight Missourians receive emergency food assistance every year. The food banks of the Missouri Food Bank Association are the solution to hunger statewide. Through their network of over 1,500 agencies, they've provided 68 million meals to your friends, neighbors, and children’s classmates last year. The need is increasing and your support feeds hungry Missourians. The Missouri Food Bank Association is a coalition of the six Missouri Food Banks working to provide hunger relief to every county (and St. Louis City) in the state. Collectively, they distribute over 100 million pounds of food each year through a network of more than 1,500 community feeding programs. They work locally with the Salvation Army and the Open Door to get the food to people who need it. They're working with the Buddy Pack program, helping the kids here in Pettis County get all the nutrition they need for their growing bodies.
And now, there's another shot for you to help them help your neighbors. On November 14th, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Sedalia Wal Mart and both Woods Supermarkets, they'll be accepting food and money donations. Here's another great part! Starline is matching donations!
So really, what happens is the Food Bank organizes and mobilizes donations to get them to people who need them right here in Sedalia and Pettis County. If you haven't heard of the Buddy Pack program, it's a great help to kids that deal with food insecurity. Especially around this time of the year, when we're starting to think of ways we can give back as part of the holidays... here's a great way to do just that without breaking the bank. Just buy a few extra things when you go to the Wally World or the Woods and donate them when you leave. Or if you don't want to do that, just plop down a few bucks in cash. They make it go a long way.
You can find out more about the event and also just about the Food Bank by contacting Darren White at 573-447-6603 or you can email darrenw@sharefoodbringhope.org.
Gobblingly yours,