Giving Behind the Scenes – Anonymous Donor Searching for People in Need this Christmas
This is the season for giving and what better way to help.There is a local business owner who is reaching out to help area families, and people in need this holiday season. They wish to remain anonymous, so have asked us to help find families in need that will benefit.
The first 100 people, from Pettis county, to send a letter expressing why they’re in need, will receive a cash donation of $100.
This gift comes from their heart, and they feel they have been called from God to give during this time of the year when families may need it the most.
For those wishing to submit their name, please send an email to attention: Julie, or stop by the station on Monday, December 19, 2016, by noon. Our station is 2209 S. Limit Ave.
The first 100 people to email or drop a letter by will be sent $100. Those in need must include name, address, phone number, and statement as to why they are in need. This donation applies to one person, per family or household.