
The American Dream includes home ownership, but that doesn't stop people from dreaming once they own a house.

In fact, a study by Trulia Real Estate of 2,000 respondents says that while four in ten are happy with the home they live in now, 43 percent would like to get bigger while 16 percent are looking for something smaller. People ages 18-to-34 are more apt than any other group to look for a larger home followed by respondents ages 35-to-54.

In the meantime, people 55 and older are the most content with where they're living now. However, 26 percent of this group would still like to upgrade while 21 percent are ready for something smaller. Even though getting bigger seems to be the trend, the actual sales figures don't necessarily show that. For example, last month 71 percent of new homes sold in the U.S. were under $400,000. Just four percent of sales exceeded $750,000.

I know that I'm alright with my house now, but I would like something newer and maybe a little bigger.  Maybe if it was three bedrooms instead of two?  Our house is really old, so it requires some work that I haven't done yet (this spring: new windows!).  Maybe if I was in a newer house, there'd be less work.  What about you?  Are you happy in your current house or apartment?  What would you change about the size, the layout, the look? Let me  know in our new survey and we'll talk about your answers on the air.

Hous-ily yours,

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