Now’s Your Chance to Drive the Liberty Land Train in Sedalia
If you grew up around Sedalia, there's a good chance as a kid you road the train in Liberty Park. You might have even told your parents someday you'd be the engineer of the train. Well, now's your chance to make that happen. Sedalia Parks & Recreation is looking for members to join their Conductors Club, the volunteer crew members who operate the Liberty Land Train in Liberty Park.
Now, I didn't grow up in Sedalia, so I never had the pleasure of riding the Liberty Land train as a child. But my parents did take me to an amusement park called Playland in the Chicago suburbs that had a very similar train ride to the one in Liberty Park and I loved riding it. It was my favorite ride as a little kid.
In fact, there's a good chance you'll see me at the inaugural meeting of the Conductors Club because this volunteer opportunity pushes all my buttons. Trains, I love anything having to do with them. Real or model. Second, I've always had an interest in amusement parks and carnival rides. And this, to me fits the bill. And finally, it sounds like a fun way to give back to the community.
If you're a train lover. Have fond memories of riding the Liberty Land Train as a child. Or are just looking for a way to give back to the community, I hope you'll consider helping Sedalia Parks & Recreation continue to delight kids of all ages by running this train.
The inaugural Conductors Club meeting is being held on Saturday, July 17 at approximately 11:00 AM CDT in Convention Hall after the grand opening of Moore's Train House. Volunteers must be 21, pass a driver's license check, and a background screen.
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