Do You Open Gifts Christmas Eve, Christmas Morning or Both?
There are many traditions that go along with Christmas. With families trying to split time with in-laws and other family members along with other plans on the calendar, many have different times that they sit down and open presents.
If you're like most during the holidays, you're being pulled in 14 different directions. A social gathering here, lunch with office co-workers, holiday school presentations that involve the kids, and everything else under Santa's nose.
So when do you actually sit down with the family and open presents? For me I remember having to wait until Christmas morning. It was going to bed early, but making sure the milk and cookies were laid out for Santa before we jumped in our pj's. (Funny...with all that milk and cookies consumed over the course of Christmas Eve, wouldn't you think Santa would have a vested interest in Jennie Craig?)
You jumped out of bed the next morning and yes amazingly, all these gifts were laid ever so meticulously under the tree. (That's another thing...how did the old' jolly elf have time to put together these presents and arrange them too?)
After the paper was torn and thrown in every direction imaginable, we had to get ready to head to Grandpa and Grandma's house for more fun with aunts, uncles and cousins.
These days you will find some families get together Christmas Eve to exchange gifts, get up the next morning to open up more gifts, and then on to another family gathering for yet even more Christmas cheer.
Whatever your plans are for this Christmas, take a moment for yourself. Sit back, take a breath, and enjoy it. It's magical. And give thanks to the good Lord for everything in your life and your families, too.
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