I received a present this Christmas. It was from my-stepdaughter. She is always trying to present me with a gift during the holidays to challenge my wit. This time it's one to uplift my humorous side for the rest of the year.

I didn't get a chance to capture the first week of the year on camera, but I have taken photos of the last couple of days.

So let's kick off this daily cache' of humor. I was able to capture the pun for January 8.

Beau Matthews
Beau Matthews

Now that we have the ball rolling and we have last Friday out of the way, let's jump into the past weekend and see what the calendar humor had to offer.

Beau Matthews
Beau Matthews

So as we moved through the weekend, I know I have captured your humor and we'll jump to the first day of the work-week. Here's your Monday chuckle.

Beau Matthews
Beau Matthews

Butcher humor...cuts me up. When's the last time you heard one about a butcher? Probably why it's on this calendar and only allocated to just one day out of the year. On to Tuesday...the giggles should be controlled if at all possible.

Beau Matthews
Beau Matthews

Wasn't that a sweet one. Pretty cool, huh? (Cool...mints...get it?) Don't mind the shots of the front of my shoes. I'm giving you these at no charge. I need to get you back on track to our next day's calendar. So here's the last pun/joke/whatever you want to call it.

Beau Matthews
Beau Matthews

Snow that's it. (That's right...a little winter humor) I hope you enjoyed it. Maybe we can do it again some time in the future.

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