Deadlines for SFCC’s Allied Health Programs Noted
Students seeking Professional Certificates or Associate of Applied Science degrees in State Fair Community College’s allied health programs need to complete the application process by March 1 to begin the program August 21.
Classes are held in Sedalia and online. Classes for Year One Nursing program are also offered at the Eldon campus, and Medical Assistant classes are held at the Clinton campus. Clinicals are conducted at assigned health care facilities and other ambulatory sites.
The March 1 deadline applies to students seeking to enter the following programs: Diagnostic Medical Sonography (general and cardiac tracks), Radiologic Technology, Dental Hygiene, and Medical Assistant.
The application deadline for Year One Nursing program that meets on Thursd
ays, Fridays and Saturdays starting June 5 is March 1. The application deadline for Year One and Two Nursing programs that start Aug. 21 is May 1. The application deadline for the Occupational Therapy Assistant program class of 2018 is May 31.
For more information about SFCC’s programs go to www.sfccmo.edu, call Admissions and Outreach at (660) 530-5833 or email admissions@sfccmo.edu.
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