Are Your Kids Trick or Treating Halloween Night? [Poll]
The one night that so many kids live for besides Christmas Eve, is coming up Wednesday, October 31. Halloween. Do you feel good about letting your kids trick or treat?
There are a lot of activities going on around the area in the next few days so some parents are planning on keeping their kids off the streets Halloween night.
Halloween is definitley not the same as it was when I was a kid. Grap a paper bag from mom's stash that she kept under the sink, draw some ghosts and goblins on it with crayons, get an old sheet and cut out a couple eye holes and you were good to go out trick or treating.
It's changed, for sure. Now days you'll find different organizatons and businesses putting on parties and trunk-or-treat locations for the kids. That's all good but it's not the same as going out and ringing the doorbells and yelling, "Trick or Treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!"
So what will you do Halloween night?