Youth Hunt, KIX for Hicks and More
Well, it's almost youth season and we are gettin' fired up. We only have two spots left in our MoKids youth hunt, so if its your first time, you have a special need or you need someone to take them, email me at stonelaser@charter.net.
My good friends at Auto Glass Express and I are havin' a heavy deer contest, and every youth is invited, so after you take your deer and you're gettin' ready to go back after lunch, come out and get a free lunch. We'll be fryin' fish, there will be door prizes and everyone gets entered to win table at MoKids Whitetails Banquet, a $200 value. We will have a great time with $100 first prize and photo on stone for heaviest deer and $50 and photo stone for 2nd, and even $30 for the smallest deer. So come on out and have some good food and good fun with Auto Glass Express and Huntin' and Fishin' with Harry.
Also, listen on Mondays and Thursdays from 8-9 a.m. for KIX for hicks with me and Rob havin' fun, playin' some redneck games, great music (no Taylor Swift or slow stuff in this hour), and we will be given away free any youth tags when i give the number. All you do is give us a call at . We will give away 105 tags from now till Nov. 1, so go get some.
Also, give us an idea of a name for our "hick hour." We will pick the best one, so send them in. Don't forget to get those trail cam pics in and get entered in our big buck contest with all proceeds goin' to the Wounded Warrior Program.
Until next time, God Bless America.
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