Working in Sedalia: What Weird Training Have You Received For Work? [VIDEO]
Kids, I'm sure that you and I have had some varied jobs in the past. I know that I've held some that had nothing to do with any of my skills, just to pay the bills.
I've been a laundromat clerk, a library clerk, home health aide, and yes, for about two days in my teenage years, I worked in a fast food joint. I've heard tales over the years about different training videos people have had to watch. I think when I worked at a not-to-be-named megastore that rhymes with Call Bart, I watched about 20. But none of them were as entertaining as this one I saw a couple of years ago.
I never knew just how entertaining a training video could be. I never worked at that restaurant, so I missed out, definitely. I still get that song stuck in my head sometimes, and to be honest, it makes me want a little chili.
So my question to you is: did you have to watch a training video or read a booklet or something before you started your job? Was it helpful, or was it just a waste of time? Tell me all about it!
Chili can be served with cheese,