If you grew up prior to the mid-to-late 1980's you are all too aware of the following four things that your parents did back then, but now if they tried to do them all over again, they most likely would be arrested.  Here they are:

Leaving you home alone.  A lot of states have laws now that say you can't leave a child unsupervised if they're under 12.  In some states it's younger than that, and in Illinois it's 14.

Smoking while you were in the car.  A bunch of states are still in the process of making it illegal to smoke cigarettes with kids in the car.  But six states have already done it:  Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Maine, Oregon, and Utah.

Letting you ride in the car without a seatbelt.  All 50 states now have laws that require car seats or seat belts for kids.  New Hampshire is the only one where ADULTS don't have to wear a seatbelt . . . they just officially 'suggest' it.

Taking photos of you in the tub.  It's legal to take photos of your kids in the buff . . . but in 2008, a couple in Arizona took a roll of film to Walmart, and the person who developed it thought some of the bath photos were CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.



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