Have You Broke Down and Turned on the AC Yet?
These past beautiful days and nights of Spring have been keeping us comfortable. We haven't had to flip the switch the air to the cool position yet. When will that change?
I don't like to do it. I've always wanted to wait til June 1, if at all possible. But sometimes It's too much. Those 80 degree temperatures get to be too much to take at night when it's time to lay our heads on the pillow. Looking at the forecast, the highs are forecasted to get warmer, so when will it be time to take action and flip the switch?
Hopefully, Mother Nature will give us a reprieve and make Spring actually last a few more weeks, then we could probably make it til at least the end of May if not the first of June. As always time will tell! Let's say a little prayer, cross fingers, and hope for the best!
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