What's the stuff that dreams are made of? Evidently, it's magnesium. Researchers say it's some of the most important elements for keeping up the body's rest rhythms. 

Another study from the University of Edinburgh declares that the natural mineral found in nuts, fish, and dark greens directs the body's inside clock which plans your wake time, and controls your hormones and body temperature.


APPARENTLY Magnesium levels vary for the duration of the day, in light of the fact that the mineral is a key part of the system by which cells change over supplements into vitality.

The takeaway: If you have to get your body into a more standard sleep schedule, eat magnesium rich foods which will permit your cells to better suit distinctive vitality levels. Some magnesium stuffed foods:  spinach, yogurt, almonds, avocado, dark beans, and fortunately, dark chocolate as well.

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If you're planning on "catching up on sleep" this weekend . . . don't.  A sleep medicine specialist in Texas says there's NO SUCH THING as catching up on sleep.  Your body doesn't work that way.  In fact, if you sleep more than two extra hours on both weekend days, you actually mess with your body's rhythms and make things WORSE on yourself once the week starts again.


According to Dr. Gregory Carter, who's a sleep medicine specialist at the University of Texas, Southwestern, if you DO try to get a lot of extra sleep on the weekends to catch up, it actually makes things WORSE.  Doing that messes with the circadian rhythm your body's adjusted to, and just leads to you being even more tired during the week.

Carter says it's okay to sleep a LITTLE later on the weekends, but anything more than two extra hours each day will make Monday morning MISERABLE.  If you're feeling tired all the time, the best thing you can do is go to sleep a little earlier on weekdays, but keep waking up at the usual time.   Carter also recommends fighting your instinct to hit the snooze button.  He says getting those extra couple of minutes of sleep actually make your body feel worse, not better.

Sleeping it off,


KEEP READING: 15 Natural Ways to Improve Your Sleep


Goosebumps and other bodily reactions, explained

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