Support Local Business in Warrensburg During Dog Days Sale
Want to save some money and support great local Warrensburg businesses? Then you won't want to miss The Dog Days of Summer Sale at participating businesses on Friday August 14 and Saturday August 15.
The Dog Days of Summer Sale is a cooperative event in it's sixth year put on by The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce, Warrensburg Mainstreet and the City of Warrensburg.
Suzanne Taylor, Executive Director of the Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce told the Daily Star Journal:
This is a perfect opportunity for Warrensburg to show support for all of our retail business and organizations. Where you buy directly impacts how much money stays in our community.
According to the Daily Star Journal participating businesses will have a flyer in their window that weekend indicating they are a part of the Dog Days of Summer Sale.
Additionally, shoppers can enter to win a $50 cash by submitting their purchase receipts from participating Dog Days of Summer Sale businesses. Receipts should be submitted to lovewhatslocalburg@gmail.com or the Love What's Local Facebook page.
Warrensburg has a beautiful downtown with many local businesses, restaurants and even the Warrensburg Farmer's Market on Saturday Mornings. If you live in town support the businesses that make our town so vibrant. And if you haven't visited Warrensburg for a while, I'd urge you to drop by for a visit. I guarantee you'll have an enjoyable shopping experience.
Businesses which would like to participate in the Dog Days of Summer Sale can reach out lovewhatslocalburg@gmail.com for more information. There is no cost for a business to participate in this event.
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