Should You Get Free Stuff On Your Birthday?
I'm getting ready to celebrate another birthday next month. Another year and another year closer to retirement. (I wish! ) Here's my question...where can you go around the area to snag free stuff on your birthday?
Here's the number one thing when you have a birthday that should be addressed. You shouldn't have to work on your birthday! Period. That's it! This is something I need to discuss with HR. I'm guessing I won't see the result I was hoping for but, oh well...I tried!
Number two...shouldn't you get a bunch of free stuff on your birthday? I mean besides presents, cake, and stuff like that. I think you should be issued a card that entitles you to score the freebies on your special day. It doesn't have to be big and expensive stuff, although it would be nice. (I mean,'s your birthday!!!)
Number three---do you send or give cards to anyone anymore. The greeting card industry is struggling to stay relevant in the digital age. You'll find numerous birthday greetings posted on Facebook and through other social media outlets but how many birthday cards do you receive through the mail or in person?
You now have the capability to make your own cards online and that has cut into greeting card companies like Hallmark. In a report from a couple years ago, in just five years, the company slashed its workforce from almost 22,000 full timers to about 10,500 worldwide.
So if you're a Libra like me and you're soon to celebrate your birthday, enjoy your day!!!