See Inside Epic St. Louis Palace with Lamborghinis and a Car Wash
I was saving up my nickels to try and grab this place, but I'm too late. At least I can show you what this epic St. Louis palace is like inside. It's full of exotic cars and even has its own car wash.
You might recall that I shared a listing for a St. Louis mansion filled with Lamborghinis and Porsches a few months ago. The Wall Street Journal just broke my heart when they announced that it had been sold for $13 million dollars. Thanks to the listing on Realtor and Zillow, you can see all the glorious Lamborghinis and the car wash for yourself.
See Inside a St. Louis Mansion That's Filled with Lamborghinis
The saddest part isn't the fact that this beautiful place is apparently off-the-market now. The saddest part is I'm probably not even high class enough to even be the janitor for this mansion. Oh, 1705 N Woodlawn Avenue in St. Louis, I had plans to make you mine, but destiny was not on my side. I will remember you fondly.