Sedalia’s Record Christmas Stocking Makes News Around the Country
The giant Christmas stocking that was unveiled December 19 at the Mathewson Exhibition Center has been getting attention from TV news crews from around the country.
Mayor Stephen Galliher and Pettis County Sheriff Kevin Bond served as witnesses as Pettis County Surveyor Kerry Turpin measured the enormous stocking at 177 feet, 10 and 3/4 inches long, by 72, 8 and 7/16 inches wide. The world record for the largest Christmas stocking is officially 168 feet, 5.65 inches long by 70 feet, 11.57 inches wide. Turpin will submit his official measurements to the Guinness Book of World Records to certify the new record-holding stocking.
Volunteers from First Christian Church handled sewing duties on the project, which they began working on in October. The Mayor says he has an idea for where to display the stocking next year, but was quiet on the specifics. "I've got plans for next Christmas, but we have to work out some of the details."
The unveiling of the Christmas stocking was covered by TV stations in Kansas City, Jefferson City, and even the Twin Cities in Minnesota! Below are some of the TV reports on Sedalia's unusual claim to fame.