Sedalia Memories: Vacation Bible School
Like many of you out there, my parents sent my sister and I along to church. This church, in fact. I went with my grandmother every week twice on Sundays and once on Wednesdays. We always had all sorts of little events for the kids and all the various activities.
We had a small little house next door to the church that we used as an annex. We had dinners and lunches, and little get-togethers with the younger kids. We always had a blast, and Vacation Bible School was definitely part of that. The van would come and pick us up, and we'd sing all the way there and all the way back.
Usually our song stylings were just shouting for fun. Our favorite was this one, that I still remember the words to:
Booster, booster be a booster
Don't be grouchy like a rooster
Booster, booster be a booster
and Boost your Bible School
While I can't say I go to church these days, I do agree it's great for kids to spend time together in a wholesome environment. All sorts of churches have their VBS around this time of year. Here are a couple I found:
New Hope Baptist Church
Galactic Starveyors VBS July 17-21, 2017, 664 East 16th Street. Call (660) 826-6277 to register.
First Christian Church
Rome: Paul and the Underground Church. July 17-20. Register online here.
You can check our event section and see some different ones for yourself. Go to one, go to two, heck, go to all of em! If you have one you'd like to let us know about, comment below and we'll include it in!
Vacationingly yours,