You can still get your fix of veggies and other goodies from vendors from the Sedalia Area Farmer's Market at their temporary location in the south parking lot of Westlake Ace Hardware.

With the normal location of the SAFM inside the Centennial Gate of the Missouri State Fairgrounds, organizers of the market have to find a temporary location starting Tuesday July 31 and continuing every Tuesday and Friday through the Missouri State Fair. 

According to the Sedalia Area Farmers' Market, WEB and Sons has stepped up again this year for use of their parking lot on Thompson Boulevard. 

The Sedalia Area farmer's Market is open from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

All Older Adults can receive a $1 off coupon during the month of August at the market tent. All market patrons have the opportunity to put their name in a drawing each time they visit the market for a chance to win the monthly Bag of Bounty, which is a market bag and $20 in tokens. The Bag of Bounty drawing takes place the first Friday of each month.

The SAFM continues to offer matching dollars for food stamp/EBT transactions. Each transaction is matched up to $25 per market visit. The market accepts cash, debit, credit and food stamps/EBT.

For more information call 660-281-7244, visit the website at or find them on Facebook.

Courtesy Sedalia Farmers Market
Courtesy Sedalia Farmers Market



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