Rob’s Back Monday Morning on Kix 105.7 and Helping You Get to Work
When I wrapped up my afternoon show on Tuesday, June 15 I didn't think it would be the last time I'd talk to you on the radio for six weeks. And when I asked Buddy Logan to step in and fill in for me that Wednesday I didn't think he'd be filling in for so long.
You see, my wife Kathy had the flu and a backache. It hit in the very early morning hours of June 16 and she asked if I could stay home that day since she wasn't feeling very well. So I worked from home, wrote my articles for the website, and had Buddy do the show. Throughout the day her back pain got worse and worse.
Sitting in her recliner was painful. Lying in bed was painful. Heck even standing was painful. Fearing she wouldn't be able to get into the car to go to the emergency room we called the paramedics.
Twelve hours and no relief later they loaded her in another ambulance and transferred her to a hospital in Kansas City for an MRI and treatment. Thus began a three-week-long hospital stay. It turned out not to be the flu, or a run-of-the-mill backache. She was battling a staph infection that was in her blood, vertebrae, and even a spot on her heart value.
Since her release, there have been some successes, some challenges, some joy, and some frustration. But we're getting through it. I've worked from home a bunch, did some half days at the office. Tried to keep up with the stuff I do behind the scenes and online.
On Monday I'll be back on the radio. For the time being, I'll be hanging out during the morning show and helping you get to work. I hope you'll join me and we can get the day started together. I'll bring the coffee.