Real or Artificial Christmas Tree-Which is Better?
Christmas morning when you were a kid. Did you wake up with presents under a fake tree or a real one?
Most of us with any age under our belt, and a ever-expanding belt at that, grew up with a real tree on Christmas morning. As time moved on and our schedules got busier, taking the time to go either cut down a real tree or buy one from a local Christmas tree purveyor, went by the wayside for most of us.
Somehow the transition from real to fake has taken place for most. The era of real Christmas trees in people's living rooms looks like it's quickly . . . and surprisingly . . . coming to an end.
According to a new survey, only ONE in FIVE families say they're going to have a real Christmas tree this year. 13% will buy a tree from a garden store or Christmas tree lot, and 5% will dig up their own tree for the house.
49% of households will put up an artificial tree that's green like the real thing. 19% will buy an artificial tree that's a different color, like white or red.
And 14% say they aren't going to have a tree this year.
The main reason people gave for going with an artificial tree or no tree over a real one is the cost difference. The second-most common reason was that people felt buying a real tree just to throw it away a month later isn't very "green."
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