Rain Tonight … And Believe It or Not We Need It
With all the rain we experienced over this spring and summer it's hard to believe we need rain. According to KSHB TV's Facebook page (you can see their post below), the area is about two inches short of rain for the month of July. And we could use the rain that's expected to fall tonight.
According to the Weather Underground Sedalia's received about two inches of rain this July, when according to US Climate Data, the town usually sees five inches of rain during the month of July. Warrensburg, according to US Climate Data, sees a little over four and half inches of rain. And the Weather Underground's records say Warrensburg's received about two inches of rain this July.
Here's the deal we need the rain because right now it takes an inch to two inches of rain to keep our lawns green. Plus the crops could use some water. At least that's what KSHB is saying. When you think about it, we haven't really seen a lot of rain in July. We got some rain on the Fourth of July and then last Monday and that's about it.
KSHB Meteorologists are saying that Missouri (and part of Kansas) finds itself between two very different air masses. One that is going to cool off the eastern half of the United States, and extreme heat to west that will bake part of Colorado, Texas and New Mexico. That means rain and storms for us. Most areas will see between one and three inches of rain by next weekend. West Central Missouri is expected to see rain tonight after sunset, and again Tuesday Night and into Wednesday.
I'm glad we're avoiding the heatwave out west and enjoying the sun and nice for Missouri July temperatures. I'm also crossing my fingers hoping we get nice weather for the state fair. I'm not holding my breath for that, as I can't remember any state fair I've ever attended where I haven't eaten my deep fried pizza and seen great rock 'n roll without it being miserably hot.