Need a Job? Amazon is hiring over 4,500 People in Missouri!
If you are looking for a job, a career change, or extra work this holiday season, then look no further than Amazon. The giant company has announced they are looking to hire over 4,500 people in the Show-Me State for a variety of jobs and hours, here are the details...
According to the Springfield News-Leader, Amazon will look to hire 4,500 + workers in the state of Missouri to gear up for the holiday season, a hiring spree that is part of the company's goal to hire 250,000 people ASAP! On the site, they say...
"Amazon will hire 4,500 people throughout the state, including up to 100 at the Ashland delivery station in Boone County, along with 400 at the Republic fulfillment center and 200 at the Springfield delivery station in Greene County, a news release stated. This is part of a nationwide hiring project to bring on 250,000 employees in full-time, part-time and seasonal roles. Employees, on average, earn $20.50 per hour. The pay scale is between $17 to $28 depending on location."
READ MORE: Amazon Hiring Over 9,000 Jobs in Illinois for the Holidays
The article goes on to mention how they are looking to hire a diverse amount of jobs, not just warehouse people. To read more about the huge job investment that Amazon is making in Missouri, click here!
Amazon certainly isn't the only company that is looking to hire a bunch of people for the holiday season, but regardless, looking to hire a quarter of a million people across the country is a huge undertaking... If you need some extra hours or know someone who needs a job this could be a no-brainer situation.