I Got An Early Anniversary Present: A Rock!
Husbando and I have our one year anniversary coming up in October.I've already gotten him his present, and he has already gotten me mine. But he got me THREE. I guess he wins this one. One thing with the man, though, is that he cannot keep a present secret. Do you know what I mean?
I'll unpack that. When you were a kid, your parents probably bought you birthday presents before the actual day of the party. They'd hide them somewhere you wouldn't find them, and give them to you on the actual day. Husbando cannot do that to save his life. If he gets me a gift, he can't wait until my birthday or Christmas or our anniversary to give it to me. He tries to wait, but he just can't. So that's how I came to get my first anniversary present: a rock.
But it's not just any rock! This is a special rock. A rock with a certificate of authenticity.
He bought me a piece of The Cavern!
If you don't know what The Cavern is, you're probably not a Beatle fan. I happen to be a Beatle fan, they've been my favorite band since I was thirteen. The Cavern as it was back in the band's early days is no more - it was torn down. But they rebuilt it years ago, using the original bricks from the first club. Now when they do some renovations, they cut up the bricks into little pieces, and sell them to Beatles fans.
It's so neat to be able to touch an original piece of Beatles history right here in Sedalia. Well, I'm impressed, at least. And I guess that's the point of it. I wonder what my other presents are....
Brickly yours,