How Has Sedalia Changed Over the Years? The Positive & the Negative
We threw out the question last week- "If you had moved away from Sedalia 10 years ago and you came back, what would you see that had changed?" We got some answers that I wasn't expecting.
When the question was thrown out I was expecting more answers talking about the new additions that we've seen with businesses and housing. I mean if you take a moment to think about everything new in the past 10 years you can include all the new apartments that have and are being added, Nucor Steel, and Family Center Farm & Home in the old K-Mart building. I'd say those are the top three additions that come to mind.
How about the new strip mall on West Broadway, and the new Fazoli's, located where the old Taco John's location used to stand. A new Smith-Cotton High School off of South 65 Highway
Further west on Broadway you have a lot retail stores/restaurants that weren't there 10 years ago. So if you really think about we have had many positive additions to the State Fair City.
Now, you have to remember...whenever you ask a question like the one we posted you're going to get the naysayers chiming in. For some reason people always steer towards the negative instead of the positive. Here's some of those answers-
G. Chris - Way more tweakers and dope heads, more dope houses and more and more restaurants, multiple murders and a much higher crime rate.
Judy G. - Sedalia has too much protectionism. Housing is to high and they need a homeless shelter. Many homeless people.
Ashley M.C. - No Griffs
Sarah M.S. - Traffic is worse than ever. All. The. Time.
But I do have to say a few positive comments were left as well-
Nicole P. - New Bridge, new business, new high school I believe, new factory, downtown has had work done to it.
Jason M. - Most of West Broadway