Head to Downtown Sedalia This Thanksgiving for the Lighting of the Hotel Bothwell
There are certain traditions that are only associated with Thanksgiving. Football, a large family dinner and clipping ads to plan out your Black Friday Shopping. Be sure to head to downtown Sedalia on Thanksgiving evening for the Lighting of the Hotel Bothwell.
This will be the 6th time I've been invited to emcee the lighting ceremony. The evening begins at 6 p.m. with holiday music being played throughout downtown Sedalia. There will be carolers and the Santa House will be open for kids to tell him what they would like to see under the tree. Then the crowd participates in the countdown to the lighting of the Hotel.
Once the switch is thrown, there will be fireworks that are synchronized to holiday music. It is a great family oriented way to close out Thanksgiving and begin the Christmas season. We'll see you there!