Gotta Use Up That Vacation Time…. But With What?
I'm one of those people that just doesn't like to spend any money on myself. I guess you can take that for whatever you want it to mean, but for me it means I buy maybe two expensive things as little gifts to myself a year. And then, I will plunk out whatever I've got on other birthdays and anniversaries and whatnot. But I just can't seem to make myself spend the money on me. And I certainly can't justify spending a lot of money actually GOING somewhere for a vacation. I've got to use up a few vacation days here at the end of the year, and in total I'll be off five days.
That means I almost always have staycations. It just seems like it's a waste of money for me to go somewhere these days, and it's not like people are travelling these days with the current situation. I have travelled in the past, I've been to Phoenix, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Toledo, Las Vegas, New York, Washington D.C., Memphis, Knoxville, and of course around here in Missouri. And I lived for a year in England and saw a bit over there.
But maybe my frugality is also linked to the fact that I'm getting old. At least in my mind, I am. I'm getting lazier the older I'm getting. I don't want to GO anywhere. Sure, it would be nice to take a trip one of these days, but... not this time. I just don't wanna. I see myself on my couch with my cat and Netflix pulled up.
And you know, it's just safer these days anyways, you know? So why not just keep to the staycation. Maybe I'll bake something. I baked some home made "party mix" this weekend with corn and rice cereal as a snack for Husbando. Maybe I'll make some other stuff! Maybe I'll finally clean out that one closet in the foyer. Maybe I'll get around to wrapping the presents.
But other than that.... I expect a lot of naps on the couch.
Lazily yours,