Fight At The Golden Corral
I have eaten at the Golden Corral in Columbia, but I have yet to dine at the location in Sedalia. It is a popular and well known buffet. I have heard that some people are not a huge fan of the Sedalia location. I have not eaten there yet, so I cannot comment, but the few I have eaten in, I have had no issues and the food was fine. I recommend the place for brunch options.
An event took place that will not do the Golden Corral any favors. It is not the fault of the restaurant chain, but it goes to show you that things can go off the rails pretty quickly in this time and age, for really no reason. Or for the silliest and most insignificant things.
At a Pennsylvania location on Friday afternoon, a fight broke out. There were chairs being thrown, cursing, high chairs, glasses, and tables being destroyed during an argument over STEAK. Yes, this really happened. You can watch the video HERE and it does contain some foul language and you do need to be of a certain age to view it. Or click HERE for a news story about it.
Now, wars have been fought over less, but to literally start a brawl because one person got their steak before you did, it just plain stupid. Perhaps you wanted your meat Medium Well, as opposed to Rare. We are living in stressful times, with the pandemic still going on, the debate about masks, mandates, vaccination status, inflation, supply chain issues, partisan politics, and more. A former employee on Twitter joked, "Trust me. That steak is good. Not sure if it's 'two-years-probation-for-aggravated-assault-with-a-kids-high-chair' good." Thankfully there does not appear to have been any major injuries.
Can't we all just show a little kindness? Don't sweat the small stuff. And grow up!