The State Fair Community College Theatre Arts program will present a free student theatre showcase at 7 p.m. May 4-5 in the Thompson O’Sullivan Studio Theatre in the Yeater Learning Center, Room 126, on the Sedalia campus.

The showcase is a collaborative student project in SFCC’s acting, directing and stagecraft classes and features two student-directed and one faculty-directed one-act plays.

The showcase will feature two student-directed and one faculty-directed one-act plays, a collaborative student project in SFCC’s acting, directing and stagecraft classes.

Admission is free, and reservations are not required. Complimentary refreshments will be served.

Performances are rated R for mature audiences. Plays will include:

“The Greek Olympiganza” by Don Zolidus, directed by Ethan Yazell, Sedalia and featuring Alia Stepney, Columbia; Connor Marshall, Odessa; Tyler Singer, Odessa; Lauren Dowell, Odessa; Rebecca White, Sedalia; and Andrew Galloway, Concordia.

“Dollbear’s Law” by Jon Henry, directed by Wade Hughes, Sedalia and featuring Chandler Prost, Blue Springs; Gary Penney, California; Michael Turpin, Eldon; and Alicia Eldred, Windsor.

“Boy Meets Girl: A Young Love Story” by Sam Wolfson, directed by Kaleigh Exendine, Lincoln and featuring Jesse VanBooven, La Monte and Victoria Stowell, Sedalia.

For more information, call the SFCC box office at (660) 530-5814 or visit SFCC online.

Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby

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