Did You Know March is Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month?
The Humane Society of Missouri has a variety of unique pets available for adoption, including guinea pigs. Ironically, March is Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month!
Before welcoming a new critter, whether a guinea pig, rabbit or something else, into the family, there are a few important items every pet parent should consider:
- Make sure the home is properly prepared to keep these pint-sized pets healthy and happy. This means providing an adequate living space, which for guinea pigs includes a roomy cage with clean bedding, enrichment toys to keep them busy, a water bottle and the appropriate food – including plenty of fresh veggies for snacking!
- Guinea pigs are extremely social, so they’ll want to spend lots of time with their forever family! In fact, it may be a good idea to adopt a pair of same-sex guinea pigs to keep each other company while other family members are out of the house.
- Critters, like guinea pigs and rabbits, will need frequent grooming to stay fresh and clean. They also need housekeeping assistance with regular cage cleanings and fresh bedding to sleep in.
- Both guinea pigs and rabbits have special ways of communicating – almost like a language all their own! From squeals and whistles to leaps and wiggles, have fun getting to know the unique personalities of these furry friends.
For more information about adoptable critters at the Humane Society of Missouri, visit the website at www.hsmo.org.
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