COVID-19 Cases Rising In Pettis County
Like it or not, we are still dealing with this pandemic. It isn't as bad, but we are not totally out of it. And according to the Pettis County Health Center, an additional 101 cases have been added this week. We are over 7600 total cases.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services have our county at a 9.5% positivity rate. It may not sound that high, but it was at a 7.6%. There should not be a rise. According to the Pettis County Health Center, from Nov. 5-11, the groups with the highest number of new cases were 13-18-year-olds with 23, 5-12-year-olds with 16 and 0-4-year-olds with 11. The next closest age group was 40-44-year-olds with nine. Since July 1, 23.51% of total cases are in individuals 0-18 years of age, which is an increase from the 22.4% reported last week.
I realize that for many, this particular Covid-19 vaccine is a source of big debate. I have seen people protesting the mandates that are put in place in various places. And depending on your political affiliation, that seems to affect your belief on vaccines, either being for or against them. I happen to be an immune compromised person, and I made sure I got my vaccine as soon as I was eligible. I suffered no side effects and I have been COVID free.
COVID-19 testing is offered at Bothwell Walk-In Clinic from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. People must register for a testing appointment by calling 660.827.7900. Upon arrival at the Walk-In Clinic, people should check-in by calling 660.827.7900 and remain in their car until they receive a phone call to go inside the clinic.
I know Wal-Mart in Sedalia has all the vaccines and the boosters, depending on which vaccine you received, if you got one. Please discuss with your doctor and make the decision for yourself. If you do decide to not get a vaccine, please have respect for others and wear your mask, and try and social distance as best you can. Lets try and get the case count lower and lower, and keep Pettis County as COVID free as we can. Especially as the weather gets colder. Stay safe!
Answers to 25 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
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