Community Survey Brings Good News to Warrensburg Leaders
A total of 80 percent of survey responders recently rated Warrensburg as an excellent or good place to live and raise children, it was noted at a presentation to Warrensburg City Council Monday night.
According to a seven-page survey conducted by ETC Institute and released this month, overall, residents feel the City of Warrensburg is moving in the right direction.
In addition, residents feel they are receiving value for their tax dollars and fees, rating the City 16 percent higher than the national average in that area as well as customer service. The survey was conducted by mail, online and by phone to a randomly-selected sample of Warrensburg residents with a margin of error of +/- 4.8 percent.
Top priorities over the next two years for survey responders were city street and sidewalk maintenance, traffic flow and the overall quality of police services. Top issues over the next five years include road repair and economic development.
Keep in mind, the results were based on just 414 respondents out of a total Warrensburg population of 20,251 (2016 figure provided by The Johnson County city has grown somewhat over the past several years. There were 19,963 residents in 2014. And the population was 18,838 at the 2010 census.
Although ETC stresses that demographics of the survey respondents accurately reflects the actual population of the City of Warrensburg.