Clinton PD Release New Info On 30 Year Old Abduction
30 years ago Angela Hammond was abducted at a pay phone at the corner of Second and Jefferson Streets in Clinton. And there's been no sign of her since. 30 years after her disappearance Clinton Police have asked the public for help with one theory of the case that they think may be promising. This according to a Facebook post on the Clinton Police Department's page.
When Angela Hammond, known as Angie, was first abducted police focused on a description of the suspect's vehicle based on the recollections of the person Angie was talking with on the phone when she was abducted. That vehicle was a 1970's Ford Pick Up with a fishing scene in the rear glass.
While that description provided hundreds of leads, none of them ever panned out. Over the years investigators expanded investigative possibilities that didn't include the vehicle. And that lead to new theories on what happened to Angie, that were explored and investigated until satisfactorily being eliminated.
Today Clinton Police still have several active open leads being considered. One lead, originates from the Lake of the Ozarks region. A confidential informant testified in court and played a crucial rule in disrupting an illegal drug operation. Clinton Police say,
When the informant’s identity was disclosed during the case, he received a cryptic letter composed of cut and paste characters in the style of a ransom letter one might see in a movie about a kidnapping. The letter addresses the informant by the number that had been assigned to him to protect his identity before the court proceeding. It also mentions the informant’s estranged wife by first name."
The informant's wife, and daughter named Angela, were residents of Clinton at that time. And the note received by the informant was postmarked April 4, 1991. The exact date of Angela Hammond's late night abduction from Second and Jefferson Streets. Additionally, both Angela's shared a physical resemblance.
After speaking with several people of interest and potential witnesses, investigators theorize that in retribution for disrupting the illegal drug operation, a person, or persons, involved in the criminal enterprise planned and executed the kidnapping of the confidential informant's daughter, yet mistakenly targeted and kidnapped Angela Hammond, instead of the informant's daughter.
While Clinton Police acknowledge the theory seems incredible. Investigators have found information that lends credibility to the theory and they have been unable to refute it. They've gone public with the theory in hopes that that either someone has heard a story like this one, or that members of the public may have information related to the case.
Clinton Police are also looking for an anonymous caller who recently gave investigators a tip about the case with two specific names. Clinton Police would like this person to contact them to they can speak with them in real time. Clinton Police will assure the tipster remains anonymous, or that their identity remains protected.
Clinton Police investigators can be contacted at 660-885-5561.
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