Christmas Shopping Done…Remember Where You Hid the Presents?
You can pretty much go into any retailer and you're going to find something "Christmasy" for sale. Whether it's decorations for the tree, wrapping paper, or anything else that's "Christmas themed" you should be able to find it.
So now that we know that we "only" have 64 shopping days til Christmas, you may want to get things in gear. Now the only reason I know we have that many days is that I asked my phone and, of course, all the information was available in a matter of nano seconds.
So, let's say you've gone shopping already and you have your presents bought like so many of our listeners have claimed to do, how do you remember where you hid them? Have you ever had that problem? You did such a good job of shopping early and now you have to find a hiding place for them but when the time comes to drag them out, you haven't a clue on where you hid them!
According to a story on
25% of people say they've already FINISHED their holiday shopping for the year. Men are almost six times more likely than women to say they're all done.
And according to responses to our question, "Have You Started Your Christmas Shopping?", our KIX 1057 Facebook page had these answers:
Tiffany L. R. - Thanks to prime day, yes!
Sandy S. - Yes and wrapping too
Ashlea T. S. - Yes! Started last Christmas.
Amber B. - Yes I have. Only have a few left to buy. Not bad.
There was one that wasn't as positive...
Samantha R. - Negative ghost rider.
So whether you have or haven't finished the Christmas shopping, just remember where you stash those presents! Good luck!