
What if this Missouri Nuke Plant Melted Down? It’ll Be Fine
What if this Missouri Nuke Plant Melted Down? It’ll Be Fine
What if this Missouri Nuke Plant Melted Down? It’ll Be Fine
I like to watch disaster movies. I should probably share that before I dive into a subject I've always wondered about. What would happen if the nuclear power plant in Missouri had a catastrophic failure? There isn't as much to worry about as the Hollywood movies would have you imagine.
Missouri is Seeing a Catastrophic Drop in Number of Retail Stores
Missouri is Seeing a Catastrophic Drop in Number of Retail Stores
Missouri is Seeing a Catastrophic Drop in Number of Retail Stores
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that time changes things. New technology can cause lifestyle habits to morph and that's been especially true of retail establishments. Missouri is among the states that have seen an almost catastrophic drop in the number of brick and mortar retail stores.

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