Commissioner Israel Baeza was selected by the Pioneer Trails Regional Planning Commission (PTRPC) to serve as the Chair,  beginning in the January 2021 session.

The Board of Directors is made up of elected officials, business owners, civic leaders and citizens of Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, and Saline County.

The Planning Commission serves as a cooperative of the local governments of the four county region. The PTRPC works with surrounding local governments to promote and implement planning activities to coordinate and facilitate economic development, homeland security and transportation improvements.

Commissioner Baeza stated “I am grateful for the confidence of my colleagues for entrusting me with this important responsibility. This is an exciting opportunity to not only expand the voice of all Pettis countians, but to also bring positive economic, safety,
and transportation development to our region as a whole.”

For questions, call Commissioner Israel Baeza’s office at (660) 826-5000 Ext. 406.

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