Area Veterans Honored by S-C JROTC
Smith-Cotton High School's JROTC program served breakfast to area Veterans this morning at 7:30 in the school cafeteria, followed by a ceremony in the gymnasium that started shortly after at 8:30.
If you missed it, the ceremony is now viewable on Sedalia School District's YouTube channel.
The theme was “Honoring all who served” and featured a speech from special guest speaker Col. John Clark (ret), who addressed a gym full of Smith-Cotton students & staff, and area veterans.
Clark, a native of Columbia, is an Air Force Veteran, a pilot and a graduate of Hickman High School. He is also a former POW., having been shot down in Vietnam on March 12, 1967. He was released on Feb. 18, 1973.
There was a special musical performance by S-C's New Score and Cabaret Choirs.
The S-C JROTC presented the colors during the event.
Emcee for the event was Battalion Commander Cadet Col. Louisa Cinta.
On the stage were members of the Sedalia School District 200 School Board, as well as Rep. Brad Pollitt, Pettis County Presiding Commissioner David Dick, Eastern Commissioner Israel Baeza, S-C Principal Wade Norton, Superintendent Dr. Todd Fraley, District 200 Administrators, Chris Pyle, Jason Curry, Carolyn and Don Barbour, and other dignitaries.
A brief ceremony in which the gym lights were dimmed and a spotlight was focused on a POW/IA table was conducted by JROTC Cadets. A hat from each branch of the service was placed at the table.
A solemn ceremony honoring POWs and MIAs followed the POW-MIA ceremony.
A 21-gun salute just outside the Gym doors was presented by VFW Post 2591, and was followed by the playing of Taps by a member of S-C JROTC.
The audience then stood as the veterans being honored filed out of the building.
JROTC is also sponsoring a Veterans Day parade at 3 this afternoon. A 12-man color guard will be marching in the parade, as well as the entire S-C JROTC battalion. Dress warmly.