
Farmers' Market Returns
Farmers' Market Returns
Farmers' Market Returns
The Sedalia Area Farmers' Market has become a tradition in our area.  We're surrounded by people and places that thrive in agricultural subjects, and our local growers are some of the best. If you want the best in fresh, local food and produce, you can't beat the Farmers' Market.
Behka’s Buildings at the Fair: The Agriculture Building [PHOTOS]
Behka’s Buildings at the Fair: The Agriculture Building [PHOTOS]
Behka’s Buildings at the Fair: The Agriculture Building [PHOTOS]
There is so much stuff going on at the Missouri State Fair that is so important to people in our area. Farming, agriculture and youth in farming are so very vital to our way of life. So of course, a lot of what goes on at the Fair is showing off how great they all are! These farmers and their families really work so incredibly hard to produce such wonderful livestock and product, and it's a great
Farmer Style
Farmer Style
Farmer Style
This is the best parody of "Gangnam Style" that I've seen yet!  Check out this video from the Peterson Farm Bros, a couple of guys from Kansas that make music videos to promote agriculture.  Be sure to thank a farmer for your food!