The Missouri State Fair is here and I hope you get a chance to go into each building. A building that I go into each day is a great location for you to learn about the latest in electricity usage around the area, in the MEC Building.

The MEC Building is hosted by the coops in the area and they share knowledge with you about the latest issues in power in the area. They have an an area that has become a proud family tradition and that is taking a family photo with Buddy Bear.

Kids can find out how much energy it takes to keep a light bulb running, by getting on an exercise type bike and pedaling to keep the lights on.

There is also an area that if you find yourself with a dead or low power cell phone, you can recharge it for free in the MEC Building.

On Friday, August 15, you can stop in and get a free CFL Light bulb, while supplies last.

If you're feeling a little parched, they also have water that you can sip from a small cup.


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