Bothwell Chief Executive Officer Lori Wightman has been elected to the Missouri Hospital Association (MHA) Board of Trustees for a three-year term that begins Jan. 1, 2023.

MHA President and CEO John Doolittle said Wightman currently serves on the MHA Board of Trustees as an appointment to complete a vacated position that ends Dec. 31, 2022.

“I greatly appreciate Lori’s contributions to the board over the last year and her willingness to serve a full board term,” he said. “There are many challenges confronting Missouri’s hospitals and health care systems, and I look forward to continuing to work with her to address them.”

Founded in 1922, MHA is a nonprofit membership association that advocates for policies that improve health and health care in Missouri and provides data, decision-support tools and operational resources to help hospitals and health systems deliver care.

MHA represents every acute care hospital in Missouri, as well as most of the federal and state hospitals and rehabilitation and psychiatric care facilities. Since its creation, MHA has grown from 50 to more than 140 member hospitals. In addition to representation and advocacy on behalf of its members, the association seeks to educate its members, the public and the media, as well as legislative representatives, about health care issues.

“I am thrilled to be elected by my Central District peers to continue serving on the Missouri Hospital Association Board of Trustees,” Wightman said. “I look forward to continuing our work to shape MHA’s future direction regarding the services offered and value provided to members.”

The primary functions of the MHA Board of Trustees are to make policy decisions and fiduciary oversight for the association. The board serves over the MHA Health Institute and the Hospital Industry Data Institute. Wightman was recently recognized as the outgoing president of MHA’s Central District, one of six districts that comprises the state organization.

To learn more about the Missouri Hospital Association visit

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